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California Once Again Rejects Bid to Make Kindergarten Mandatory

The California Legislature rejected a bill during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing last week that would have made kindergarten mandatory in the state, thwarting lawmakers’ second attempt in two years to mandate classroom attendance for young children.
The bill, authored by Democrat Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, was referred to what’s known as the suspense file earlier this month as its fiscal impact was considered. After being heard again on Aug. 15, the bill was permanently shelved by the appropriations committee.
“Bills with significant fiscal impact, such as this measure, should be considered and accounted for as part of the annual budget process,” he wrote in his veto letter.
Rubio also co-authored Muratsuchi’s most recent attempt and has argued mandatory kindergarten is needed to ensure academic success.
“I am relieved the fiscal committees recognized the dire state California’s budget is facing this year. Next year will be even worse. We need to continue prioritizing taxpayer dollars for critical programs,” she told The Epoch Times.
It’s unclear how many kindergartners would have been integrated into the public school system if Muratsuchi’s bill had passed and been signed by the governor.
Muratsuchi did not respond to a request for comment before publication.
